Saturday, June 23, 2007

comment moderation

I Have no Idea what the 4th comment on my new stamp set post says but as I fear it cant be a good thing I am turning comment moderation back on. I hate all the letters to type when I go to other blogs but now I understand why it is done. Thanks for listening.


Lorrie said...

Hey Kathy! I got the same comment left on my blog and my daughter told me to tranlate it through Google. It is Portugese and he's just trying to promote his custom t-shirt business! Blew my mind when I saw it too!

Kristine said...

Hi Kathy. I got the same thing. YOU CAN actually turn on just the moderation and not turn on that awful letter number varification thing. HTH! I did the same thing after I got a couple weird ones. In fact, I got one message on about 6 different posts of mine on 2 different blogs in just one day!