I don't usually cut my garden flowers but when I lived in the Northeast I could only grow these Calla Lillies in the house and now I live in the Southeast so I thought I would try to grow them outside and as you can see they did quite well. The Picture doesn't do them justice. they are white with a little purple shading around the edge. I guess you can tell I am excited about these. I should cut them all but I have to let my neighbors look at them too. Thanks for stopping
wow this made me look this morning with my name susan means lily and i love lily flowers thanks for sharing
Kathy...thanks for the sweet note you left on my blog. I really needed a pick me up. I guess I now have electronic notes as well as note cards to read when I am feeling blue. Thanks for being kind yourself!
heh kathy..I didn't get your email addy..so i couldnt email you back..right now i am sitting in a hotel in raleigh..tomorrow..we hit archivers and the mall at triangle..head out to carolina memories and then head out to winston salem friday. saturday we hit charlotte and return back to charleston...where are you..we could find you somewhere out there...if you wanna meet up!
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