Monday, April 23, 2007

tagged again

kristine from ink something tagged me so here all these deep dark secrets....
1) I was aghoraphobic and social phobic for at least 10 years. sought help and over came it.
2) Bought my first su stamp like in 2002 and never used it until 2003 and never used it again
until this year when I made a card for my husbands second in command
3) My family was the victim of a violent crime in 1988 (father-in-law murdered)
4) sometimes you can't tell from my postings but I am a freak about spelling. If its mispelled on my blog its because the lights were out.
5) I have been with my husband 25 years but only married 17(first marriage wasn't so good so I was nervous)
6) Did I mention I hate my full time job.
7) Did I mention in the future I will have my own line or polymer stamps, so watch for them and help a fellow blogger out. people I will tag...hmmmm continued next post

1 comment:

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Thanks for sharing bits of yourself! I enjoyed "getting to know you" a little more! :)