Monday, April 23, 2007

I got tagged

I actually got tagged twice today just when I thought I slipped under the wire. The first was from was from Cassandra and I apologize I cannot find her site to save my life and I know I added it to my favorites so Cassandra send me the link, The second tag was from Maria (card inspired by Maria) Love that blog she is so talented, so now I guess I have to tell you seven things about myself. hmmmmmmm let me see.
1) in 1997 I lost 70 pounds although now its up to a little more then 80lbs
2) I have two tatoo's ( can you guess where and what they are?) ok don't go there its my
3) When I lived in Massachusetts I had my own motorcyle and enjoyed riding, when my co-
workers found out I was moving to North Carolina they told me women here in the southeast
did not drive motorcycles so I sold it. (stupid to believe people just call me gullible.
4) I absolutely love the thrill of a hockey game. I used to have season tickets up north and was
at every game. Sat right next to the penalty box it was awesome. ok so now I will tell you
that I actually played Ice hockey.
5) I have 2 granddaughters and they are my pride and joy. Ariel is 8 and Alyssa is 2
6) ok this one is bad....I have a fear of Movie theaters...I cannot go to a movie I have to wait
for it to come on Dvd. I guess I have a fear of not being able to get out of the theater in case of
a fire. sick isnt it
7) Besides my full time job I also work one day a week for weight watchers its like a night out for
for me


Kristine said...

WOW!! I love learning more about wild woman, you!! :)

Angie Z ~ Duckwaddlequack said...

Thanks for the tag! I'll get busy with making my list! Where do you live in NC? My hubby works at a motorcyle shop - lots of women ride!:)